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Secret Knowledge - 1

Secret Knowledge is a series of two meditations on Sri Aurobindo's symbol.


Sri Aurobindo's symbol is a world in itself,

the more you dwell on it the more it reveals;

it is at once a symbol and dynamic power in action.

It is not enough that the symbol is intellectually understood,

it has to be lived, it has to be brought into one's life and physical movements.

The Play of Duality

Duration: 7.30 minutes


This short video is a non-verbal meditation upon the symbol of Sri Aurobindo following the trails of iconic language.


The video depicts the play of duality in oneness starting with ascending and descending triangles moving into conics of their play and the birth of earth as wave-particle in their intersection in the ocean of nāda rippling out from nādabindu which is also the sun centre. This wave-particle and nādabindu are at once yoni circling the lingam and the play of yin and yang of Chinese symbolism. This play in life, the games we play are nothing but cosmic symbols and forces at play. Behind the multitude are the two original principles, the Purusha and Prakriti, Being and Becoming, Awareness and Force, Soul and Nature, Spirit and Matter coming to terms with each other in a perfect union as ardhanārishwara whose heart is the ascending flame calling in the descending powers elaborating into flowering of Sri Chakra in the dance of Nataraja, the lord of dance, leading to the measure of man as seen by Leonardo da Vinci.



Manoj Pavithran

Visualisation & 3D Motion Graphics Animation

Hemant Shekhar


Arun B Chowdhury



Arnab B Chowdhury / Ninād

Game Clips

Shardul Hemant

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